Cardiac Imaging Sequences

Magnetic resonance images are formed by applying radiofrequency energy (rf pulses) and spatially varying magnetic field gradients. A computer controls the number, characteristics, and timing of these pulses and gradients according to a preprogrammed “pulse sequence” or imaging sequence.

Imaging sequences are important because they determine the quality of the image. They allow us to image the patient in different ways, providing different types of diagnostic information. There are many types of imaging sequences. Below is a list of some of the more important ones for cardiac MRI.

  1. Inversion Recovery Fast Spin Echo: Anatomy
  2. Gradient Echo: Function
  3. Steady State Free Precession: Function and Anatomy
  4. Phase Contrast: Flow
  5. Inversion Recovery (IR) Prepped Gradient Echo: Late Gadolinium Enhancement
  6. Gradient Echo: Perfusion
  7. 3D SSFP: Coronary Imaging
  8. Gradient Echo: Patent Foramen Ovale Determination
  9. Gradient Multi-Echo: T2* Assessment for Tissue Iron
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